September 21, 2016
alternatives, development, extractivism, globalization, sustainability
Alternatives, News
Meet The Arne Næss Chair 2016 at the University of Oslo: Eduardo Gudynas South America has made significant social progress in recent years, resulting in poverty reduction and improvement in social protection programs. However, many organizations and researchers are concerned that progressive governments in South America have intensified the explotation of natural resources to fund […]
January 16, 2016
alternatives, political ecology
News, Politics
Earth Talks with Eduardo Gudynas: Alternatives to Development for Latin America: A Politically Incorrect Guide. With Eduardo Gudynas, Senior Researcher at Latin American Center on Social Ecology Latin American innovations in politics, known as “new left” or “progressivisms”, have received considerable attention in recent years, particularly in a Europe dominated by conservative governments. Iconic figures […]
June 6, 2015
alternatives, political ecology, sustainability
Alternatives to Development: workshop with Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) at Kepa (Finland) Kepa is the umbrella organisation for Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs) who work with development cooperation or are otherwise interested in global affairs. Aika: 13.6.2015 – 15.6.2015 / Kepa, Dialogi meeting room, Elimäenkatu 25-27, 6th floor, Helsinki, Finland. Info: +358 50 317 6728, […]
April 30, 2015
alternatives, Buen Vivir, postdevelopment
Buen Vivir and Nature’s Rights: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, lecture by Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) at the Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, US. May 5, 2015. Gudynas will discuss prevailing trends on the concept of buen vivir (BV), including its origins in radical development critiques […]
October 7, 2006
civil society, globalization
CLAES organized a 3-day workshop on civil society and access to the global arena. The learning workshop, entitled “Changing Windows into Doors”, together with the global society program of the Ford Foundation. Furthermore, the event was sponsored by the Uruguayan ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture and Education, and included participants from more than 14 […]