Latin America

Friendly colonialism and the “Harvey fashion”

Friendly colonialism and the “Harvey fashion”

by Eduardo Gudynas – Latin American progressive governments like citing Harvey’s work because it allows them to position themselves against global capitalism while glossing over the contradictions of their own extractivist policies. One of the most striking issues in the critiques of capitalism coming from Latin America are the continuous invocations of the English geographer […]

Utopia or reality: can South America lead a fossil-free future?

Utopia or reality: can South America lead a fossil-free future?

Proponents of the South American philosophy of Buen Vivir have proposed an action plan for moving towards a more sustainable, more balanced economy – report by Oliver Balch, The Guardina, 11 February 2015. Business, as a rule, doesn’t do utopia. The reason is simple: as the French author and philosopher Albert Camus put it, “utopia […]

Debates on development and its alternatives in Latin America: a brief heterodox guide

Debates on development and its alternatives in Latin America: a brief heterodox guide

An heterodox guide to the debates on development and its alternatives in the continent. A review of some of the main schools of thought in which the problem of development and alternatives to it have been addressed. In particular, those postures that seem to have been the most influential in Latin America, especially when they […]

New Extractivism of the 21st Century: 10 Urgent Theses

New Extractivism of the 21st Century: 10 Urgent Theses

The so-called extractivism, which includes mineral and oil exploitation, has a long history in Latin America. Current exports have been nourished by extractivist activities. Extractivism has continued to play a key role in national economies. It has also occupied a place at the center of powerful struggles because of its economic, social, and environmental impacts. […]

An Introduction to Regional Financial Institutions in Latin America

An Introduction to Regional Financial Institutions in Latin America

by Eduardo Gudynas – For many years now particular attention has been paid to the large International Financial Institutions (IFIs), such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Their repercussions in Latin America as in other regions are notorious, ranging from financing various infrastructure projects with serious social and environmental impacts, to support […]

“Open Regionalism” or Alternative Regional Integration

“Open Regionalism” or Alternative Regional Integration

by Eduardo Gudynas – In Latin America, confusion and ambiguity over trade and regional integration continues to be commonplace. Different governments declare their dedication to strengthening relations between countries, but their trade policies indicate otherwise. On this slippery terrain, the concept of “open regionalism” has often been used to justify very different stances. Published by […]

Mercosur and the FTAA: New tensions and new options

Mercosur and the FTAA: New tensions and new options

by Eduardo Gudynas – Integration processes in Latin America have highlighted new topics and new challenges for the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). The trade bloc, formally created in 1991 (one year before NAFTA), comprises Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay as full members, and Chile and Bolivia joined as associate members several years later. Published by […]

Gangs of New Trade

Gangs of New Trade

by Eduardo Gudynas – In Martin Scorsese’s recent movie Gangs of New York, one of the main characters, Bill the Butcher, lives in a world ruled by violence. At one point he stops to reflect for a moment and declares: “Civilization is crumbling.” This scene, which takes place in New York City circa 1860, could […]