
Climate Change and Transitions Towards Living Well in South America

Climate Change and Transitions Towards Living Well in South America

A review of some of the central ideas being discussed in a process of energy transitions towards Good Living for the Andean regions and the neighbouring Amazonian areas. It is an exercise in proposing post-carbon and post-extractivist societies based on sensibilities that seek to get out of the trap of conventional ideas of development, and […]

“Churcar” Alternatives to Development

“Churcar” Alternatives to Development

by Eduardo Gudynas – As ideas about development are so deeply rooted, attempts to seek alternatives are almost like swimming against the prevailing cultural current. To effectively pursue these alternatives, radical changes are necessary from the source. Instead of quoting Marx or Lenin, I consider more appropriate to draw inspiration from an old word of […]

Debates on development and its alternatives in Latin America: a brief heterodox guide

Debates on development and its alternatives in Latin America: a brief heterodox guide

An heterodox guide to the debates on development and its alternatives in the continent. A review of some of the main schools of thought in which the problem of development and alternatives to it have been addressed. In particular, those postures that seem to have been the most influential in Latin America, especially when they […]

Transitions to post-extractivism: directions, options, areas of action

Transitions to post-extractivism: directions, options, areas of action

Extractivisms are one of the main features in dominant development strategies in Latin America. Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES), presents the “post-extractivist” proposals that are being discussed in the region. Is an exploration in what is called “transitions” to another development, or “transitions to Buen Vivir.” Chapter in the book Beyond Development. Alternative visions from Latin America, […]

Buen Vivir and Green New Deal: differences, similarities and possible articulations

Buen Vivir and Green New Deal: differences, similarities and possible articulations

A short review of the differences, similarities and possible articulations between South American ideas on “Buen Vivir” and the European discussion of a Green New Deal. A report by Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) for the Henrich Boll Foundation office at the European Parliament. Published November 2012. Download the full report here …