June 6, 2013
Brazil, development, economy, extractivism
Development, Environment

by Eduardo Gudynas – Extractivism is the appropriation of huge volumes of natural resources or their intensive exploitation, most of them exported as raw materials to global markets. It seems to have gone unnoticed that by this definition the major extractivist in South America is Brazil. This is not always recognized. When we talk of […]
February 19, 2010
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, development, economy, extractivism, globalization, Latin America, progressivism
Development, Environment, Politics

The so-called extractivism, which includes mineral and oil exploitation, has a long history in Latin America. Current exports have been nourished by extractivist activities. Extractivism has continued to play a key role in national economies. It has also occupied a place at the center of powerful struggles because of its economic, social, and environmental impacts. […]
June 29, 2008
Brazil, development, economy, human rights, trade

Proceedings of the seminar “Transborder Laboratory from Below in Brno (Czech Republic), 2007. Edited by the Economy and Society Trust (Brno) and the Institute for Studies in Political Economy (IPE Vienna). The seminar has been called laboratory because of its experimental character. Four co-operation partners from different backgrounds invite critical social researchers and grassroots activists […]
November 7, 2007
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, economy, finance, Latin America, social conflicts, Uruguay

A collection of essays compiled by Joachim Becker reviewing the financial crisis in the early 2000s in the five South Cone countries. Published by CLAES Globalization program. Montevideo, 2007. Joachim Becker, Foreing debt in Latin America: A historic review. [Spanish] Download
December 7, 2006
Amazon, Brazil, deforestation

At the end of last year, the Brazilian government released the news that the deforestation rate in the Amazon was down for the second consecutive year, reaching the lowest levels in a decade. In this analysis of the state of the Amazon, Diego Martino considers whether this is a cause for optimism. Download …