March 26, 2015
alternatives, Buen Vivir, climate change, energy, extractivism, finance, Latin America, nature rights
Alternatives, Environment

Proponents of the South American philosophy of Buen Vivir have proposed an action plan for moving towards a more sustainable, more balanced economy – report by Oliver Balch, The Guardina, 11 February 2015. Business, as a rule, doesn’t do utopia. The reason is simple: as the French author and philosopher Albert Camus put it, “utopia […]
December 22, 2013
economy, finance, globalization, trade
Development, Globalization

by Eduardo Gudynas – Experts in some parts of the world believe that globalization has stalled. For example, the prominent Spanish journalist, Ignacio Ramonet, argues that the “course of globalization appears to be suspended”. Based on inconformity in certain European countries, he affirms that more and more people are speaking of “de-globalization”(1). I think this […]
January 2, 2010
economy, finance, globalization
Development, Globalization

A new global order’ is not something that you can create immediately, but something that needs to be fashioned from alternative ideas that need to be polished, tried out and coordinated, always with the support of civil society. Article by Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) for newsletter of the Bretton Woods Project, 2009. Download the article here […]
August 17, 2008
economy, finance, Latin America

by Eduardo Gudynas – For many years now particular attention has been paid to the large International Financial Institutions (IFIs), such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Their repercussions in Latin America as in other regions are notorious, ranging from financing various infrastructure projects with serious social and environmental impacts, to support […]
November 30, 2007
crisis, economy, finance, globalization

Central and Eastern European Countries between Stagnation and Financial Crisis? Edited by Joachim Becker and Rudy Weissenbacher. Those Central and Eastern European (CEE) states, that have joined the European Union (EU) in 2004, are on the verge of entering the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), and, by doing so, of adopting the Euro as […]
November 7, 2007
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, economy, finance, Latin America, social conflicts, Uruguay

A collection of essays compiled by Joachim Becker reviewing the financial crisis in the early 2000s in the five South Cone countries. Published by CLAES Globalization program. Montevideo, 2007. Joachim Becker, Foreing debt in Latin America: A historic review. [Spanish] Download