
Hyperglobalization still on course

Hyperglobalization still on course

by Eduardo Gudynas – Experts in some parts of the world believe that globalization has stalled. For example, the prominent Spanish journalist, Ignacio Ramonet, argues that the “course of globalization appears to be suspended”. Based on inconformity in certain European countries, he affirms that more and more people are speaking of “de-globalization”(1). I think this […]

Transborder Laboratory for Cooperation from Below

Transborder Laboratory for Cooperation from Below

Proceedings of the seminar “Transborder Laboratory from Below in Brno (Czech Republic), 2007. Edited by the Economy and Society Trust (Brno) and the Institute for Studies in Political Economy (IPE Vienna). The seminar has been called laboratory because of its experimental character. Four co-operation partners from different backgrounds invite critical social researchers and grassroots activists […]

World Bank and good business

World Bank and good business

World Bank’s new version of how to do “good business”, covered 175 countries. Factors like the protection of foreign investments and labor market flexibility were highligthed. However, social and environmental aspects are not included as part of good business. Analysis by C. Villalba. Download …

“Soft” integration and “rigid” trade

“Soft” integration and “rigid” trade

by Eduardo Gudynas – There is a proliferation of different discourses on integration in Latin America in which it is conceived particularly in the form of trade agreements while other critical issues are overlooked, such as the changes in cultural patterns or the inheritance of neo-liberal reforms. Eduardo Gudynas argues that by ignoring this other […]

Mercosur and the FTAA: New tensions and new options

Mercosur and the FTAA: New tensions and new options

by Eduardo Gudynas – Integration processes in Latin America have highlighted new topics and new challenges for the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). The trade bloc, formally created in 1991 (one year before NAFTA), comprises Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay as full members, and Chile and Bolivia joined as associate members several years later. Published by […]

Gangs of New Trade

Gangs of New Trade

by Eduardo Gudynas – In Martin Scorsese’s recent movie Gangs of New York, one of the main characters, Bill the Butcher, lives in a world ruled by violence. At one point he stops to reflect for a moment and declares: “Civilization is crumbling.” This scene, which takes place in New York City circa 1860, could […]