January 16, 2016
alternatives, political ecology
News, Politics

Earth Talks with Eduardo Gudynas: Alternatives to Development for Latin America: A Politically Incorrect Guide. With Eduardo Gudynas, Senior Researcher at Latin American Center on Social Ecology Latin American innovations in politics, known as “new left” or “progressivisms”, have received considerable attention in recent years, particularly in a Europe dominated by conservative governments. Iconic figures […]
June 6, 2015
alternatives, political ecology, sustainability

Alternatives to Development: workshop with Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) at Kepa (Finland) Kepa is the umbrella organisation for Finnish civil society organisations (CSOs) who work with development cooperation or are otherwise interested in global affairs. Aika: 13.6.2015 – 15.6.2015 / Kepa, Dialogi meeting room, Elimäenkatu 25-27, 6th floor, Helsinki, Finland. Info: +358 50 317 6728, outi.hakkarainen@kepa.fi […]
May 5, 2015
alternatives, Argentina, Chile, conservation, development, political ecology
Environment, Sustainability

by Eduardo Gudynas – Fires of large tracts of forests in southern Chile and Argentina in March 2015 have caused a justified alarm. Namely, in Chile more than 6.000 hectares in the Reserva Natural China Muerta and Parque Nacional Conguillío were burnt, and in Argentina more than 1600 hectares in the Natural Park Los Alerces […]
November 8, 2013
Amazon, climate change, Ecuador, extractivism, oil, political ecology, progressivism
Development, Grassroots, Politics, Sustainability

by David Hill – After the collapse of a groundbreaking attempt to protect the Yasuni National Park, Chinese companies could be ready to drill for oil. The announcement by Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, that he has abandoned a ground-breaking scheme stopping oil operations in the Amazon has led to a wave of protests across the […]
October 9, 2009
Amazon, Ecuador, extractivism, nature rights, oil, political ecology, sustainability
Alternatives, Development, Politics

The government of Ecuador has presented a novel proposal to not exploit the oil reserves of the Yasuní National Park. The economic benefits of exporting crude oil are limited compared to the social, economic, and environmental costs of extracting oil from the Amazon, with its enormous ecological and cultural diversity. The report Leaving the Oil […]