
Debates on development and its alternatives in Latin America: a brief heterodox guide

Debates on development and its alternatives in Latin America: a brief heterodox guide

An heterodox guide to the debates on development and its alternatives in the continent. A review of some of the main schools of thought in which the problem of development and alternatives to it have been addressed. In particular, those postures that seem to have been the most influential in Latin America, especially when they […]

Hyperglobalization still on course

Hyperglobalization still on course

by Eduardo Gudynas – Experts in some parts of the world believe that globalization has stalled. For example, the prominent Spanish journalist, Ignacio Ramonet, argues that the “course of globalization appears to be suspended”. Based on inconformity in certain European countries, he affirms that more and more people are speaking of “de-globalization”(1). I think this […]

Would Marx be an extractivist?

Would Marx be an extractivist?

by Eduardo Gudynas – In Latin America strategies are still being advanced focused on mining, hydrocarbons and monoculture, despite the fact that this means repeating the role of suppliers of raw materials and of civic resistance. This extractive mode of being is expressed both in conservative and progressive governments. But as the latter hope for […]

New Extractivism of the 21st Century: 10 Urgent Theses

New Extractivism of the 21st Century: 10 Urgent Theses

The so-called extractivism, which includes mineral and oil exploitation, has a long history in Latin America. Current exports have been nourished by extractivist activities. Extractivism has continued to play a key role in national economies. It has also occupied a place at the center of powerful struggles because of its economic, social, and environmental impacts. […]

After cannibalised globalization

After cannibalised globalization

A new global order’ is not something that you can create immediately, but something that needs to be fashioned from alternative ideas that need to be polished, tried out and coordinated, always with the support of civil society. Article by Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) for newsletter of the Bretton Woods Project, 2009. Download the article here […]

An Introduction to Regional Financial Institutions in Latin America

An Introduction to Regional Financial Institutions in Latin America

by Eduardo Gudynas – For many years now particular attention has been paid to the large International Financial Institutions (IFIs), such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Their repercussions in Latin America as in other regions are notorious, ranging from financing various infrastructure projects with serious social and environmental impacts, to support […]

Transborder Laboratory for Cooperation from Below

Transborder Laboratory for Cooperation from Below

Proceedings of the seminar “Transborder Laboratory from Below in Brno (Czech Republic), 2007. Edited by the Economy and Society Trust (Brno) and the Institute for Studies in Political Economy (IPE Vienna). The seminar has been called laboratory because of its experimental character. Four co-operation partners from different backgrounds invite critical social researchers and grassroots activists […]