
Is it possible to have development without harming nature?

Is it possible to have development without harming nature?

Meet The Arne Næss Chair 2016 at the University of Oslo: Eduardo Gudynas South America has made significant social progress in recent years, resulting in poverty reduction and improvement in social protection programs. However, many organizations and researchers are concerned that progressive governments in South America have intensified the explotation of natural resources to fund […]

Climate Change and Transitions Towards Living Well in South America

Climate Change and Transitions Towards Living Well in South America

A review of some of the central ideas being discussed in a process of energy transitions towards Good Living for the Andean regions and the neighbouring Amazonian areas. It is an exercise in proposing post-carbon and post-extractivist societies based on sensibilities that seek to get out of the trap of conventional ideas of development, and […]

Thinking like Araucarias: development and conservation in other timescales

Thinking like Araucarias: development and conservation in other timescales

by Eduardo Gudynas – Fires of large tracts of forests in southern Chile and Argentina in March 2015 have caused a justified alarm. Namely, in Chile more than 6.000 hectares in the Reserva Natural China Muerta and Parque Nacional Conguillío were burnt, and in Argentina more than 1600 hectares in the Natural Park Los Alerces […]

“Churcar” Alternatives to Development

“Churcar” Alternatives to Development

by Eduardo Gudynas – As ideas about development are so deeply rooted, attempts to seek alternatives are almost like swimming against the prevailing cultural current. To effectively pursue these alternatives, radical changes are necessary from the source. Instead of quoting Marx or Lenin, I consider more appropriate to draw inspiration from an old word of […]

Development Alternatives in Bolivia: The Impulse, the Resistance, and the Restoration

Development Alternatives in Bolivia: The Impulse, the Resistance, and the Restoration

by Eduardo Gudynas – When Evo Morales’s Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) gained control of Bolivia’s government, it unleashed expectations of structural changes on several fronts, from the reform of the state to a new constitution, from new economic regulations to the direct political participation of indigenous and campesino organizations. The notable initial changes and the […]

Buen vivir: the social philosophy inspiring movements in South America

Buen vivir: the social philosophy inspiring movements in South America

Eduardo Gudynas, a leading scholar on buen vivir, talks to Oliver Balch about the limits of capitalism, consuming less and developing a sense of the collective In buen vivir, humans are only stewards of the earth and its resources, and individual rights subjugated to that of communities and nature. Photograph: Steve Bloom Images/Alamy by Oliver […]

Buen Vivir and Green New Deal: differences, similarities and possible articulations

Buen Vivir and Green New Deal: differences, similarities and possible articulations

A short review of the differences, similarities and possible articulations between South American ideas on “Buen Vivir” and the European discussion of a Green New Deal. A report by Eduardo Gudynas (CLAES) for the Henrich Boll Foundation office at the European Parliament. Published November 2012. Download the full report here …